Sunday, 7 July 2013

About earthquake

Right now I felt earthquake in school at Esol class...
It was quite big and I remaind the earthquake which i felt in Japan on March 11.

On March 11,I was in the school and having music lesson.
when the earthquake strucked,I became panic...just panic...
That's because i have never had such a big earthquake...
Teacher were paniced as well.
We evacuated to the school ground but still four or five big earthquake was strucked...
There were some announce about detail and I heard that it was strucked in up north..
Even the big one strucked,still big one were strucked...

I'll tell about terrible earthquake in japan march 11 at 14:46.
東日本大震災 震度一覧表 震度分布図 全国 地図
東日本大震災 震度一覧表 震度分布図 東北地方 福島 地図東日本大震災 震度一覧表 震度分布図 関東地方 東京 地図
As you know it was not just up north of Japan...
My place was seismic intensity,strong 5.
Even it was really scarely...
But the biggest one in Japan was 7....
I couldn't believe it...
The magnitude was 9.0.

After I went home with my group,
there were no one at home so i went to my friend house and watched TV...
There were News of TUNAMI and also there were movies as well...
I don't want to up Tunami movies because it's really terrible and sad to watch...

I had earthquake sick for a while...
I felt shaking all of the time..

And the jiggling someone's knees is really makes me sick...
Sometimes it makes the buildings shaking and for me it feel like earthquake...
So I always scared ith it during the class time...

But anyway today's earthquake was 4.9 magnitude so it was allright but i'm not feeling good...

I hope it'll not strucked in NZ anymore and also japan as well..

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